Here's a summary of her growth percentiles:
Weight: 15lb 9.4 oz. (82%)--- she was born at 35%
Height: 25" (69%)---born at 82%
Head Size: 16.73 in (83%)---born at 48%
I just want to give a shout-out to breastfeeding! Sadie has had my milk exclusively (except for a little formula during her 24hr stay in the NICU), and she is so healthy! I love that she started out smaller than average, and breastmilk has fattened her up! I also love that it's all she needs to eat for the first 6-months of her crazy cool is that?
zoning out...time for a nap!
It's finally bedtime after a long day with plenty of vaccination tears. She's sporting her big girl teething ring.
I'm so proud of you nursing Mama!! Go Behkkie! Sadie's cheeks are loving that milk. =)