Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Being a mom has been so much better than I  imagined it.

Honestly, I always pictured myself being a good mom, and that's probably because I have such a quality mom. My mom always talked about how much she loved being a mom, and how much she loved us kids (She also talked about how easy labor was--I can't say that was true for me!). Getting those positive vibes on motherhood my whole life made me confident that I would take care of Sadie well.

But, loving Sadie so much is what has surprised me. The first couple of weeks of her life my mom would ask me, "Don't you just love her? Isn't it wonderful just to look at her and think about how perfect she is?". And I would reply (a little annoyed that I didn't share her sentiment), "Um, she just lays there or sleeps. I don't really know her yet." Now that's Sadie's going on 6 months next week, I completely get where my mom was coming from.

Being a mom is amazing. You feel so much love for your child. And, you feel so proud of making this wonderful and unique being. So, a million thanks to my mom for giving me such a healthy view of parenting. I wouldn't be the mom I am to Sadie without the years and years of wisdom, perspective, and love my mom has poured into me.

Thanks Mom, I love you!

I love my grandmas too!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like this post,Rebecca, and couldn't agree more.
