Friday, January 29, 2010
It's a sad day...

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sans Pacifier
Sadie refuses the bottle (we're working on this!) and pacifier, but has taken to sucking her hand. I suppose she isn't a fan of sucking on foreign plastic objects. Like mother, like daughter. I sucked my thumb as a baby/toddler. She would prefer to suck her hand through some sort of cloth--her sleeve, swaddle, or burp cloth. Here's video of her being cute, and a couple with her comically sucking. It cracks Mark and me up.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Why I Love Oakland
So many Oakland families choose to have their babies at Kaiser Walnut Creek instead if Kaiser Oakland-- Kaiser Oakland is a teaching hospital and WC has midwives. We had to make the choice too. Silly as it is, I wanted Sadie's birth certificate to read that she was born in Oakland. I have some tremendous Oakland pride, and here are some reasons why:
1. Diversity- in ideas, people, neighborhoods, etc...
2. The down-to-earth people
3. Lots of parks and hiking/walking opportunities! Joaquin Miller, Sausel Creek, Lake Merritt, Lake Temescal, Dimond Park, Tilden, Roberts Park, etc...
4. The Neighborhoods: Dimond (my hood), East Oakland, Lake Merritt area, Glenview, Temescal, Lakeshore, Montclair, Fruitvale...these are some of my hangouts
5. The food: Bakesale Betties, Peet's, Full House, Pizzaiolo, Fentons, Taco Trucks on International, Barney's, Cafe 504, so much more....
6. Shopping: Urban Indigo, Farmer Joe's, Son Hop Fat, A Great Good Place for Books, Someone's in the Kitchen, The Tulip Grove. We have very few big box stores.
7. The Flats and The Hills
8. People I love-- family and friends.
9. Perfect weather! The suburbs get too hot, and sf is way too cold year-round. Oakland is just right!
10. And let's be honest, it's just bad a** to say you live in Oakland!
The list can go on and on...
If you're native here- why do you like The Town?
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sadie: 10 weeks
Sadie has been a joy in the last week! She's becoming so alert, taken to her bedtime routine of storytime-- engaging with the book as we read, and awake a lot more: cooing, "looking", and snuggling. Here are some videos from the weekend:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Upcoming Mayoral Election in the O

Here's a link to a Chronicle article on the race:
Friday, January 22, 2010
In Remembrance...
white tiger, white tiger, burning bright: a guest book review
And my daughter, Sadie, liked the contrast of the black and white letters on the book's cover.
Monday, January 18, 2010
It's Raining...
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Gate at the Stairs, by Lorrie Moore
I just finished reading this book today. I decided I'm going to review all the books I read this year. So, if you're my father-in-law or my husband don't read this post (or do). I just want to give you fair warning, so as not to spoil the reading for you. I'll try not to give too much away.
This book is good. I sought it out because in was on the NY Times 2009 Top Ten Books of the Year list. It is a book for the times--dealing with everything from the slow food movement to fertility and race issues to terrorism (and more). It addresses these current issues indirectly, ingrained into the everyday. The protagonist and narrator is a young female college student in the fictional Troy, Wisconsin. If you're familiar with WI-- Troy, "the Athens of the Midwest", represents Madison, the writer's hometown. Troy is as Madison, a reef of liberalism in a sea of country living. I love Moore's writing; she creates metaphors that are surprising, yet make sense. This modern novel deals with the hardships and reality of love (or in some instances the idea of love)- passionate love, maternal love, brotherly love, and friendship. Many of the characters Moore creates have nicknames or pseudonyms. These, to me, serve as a way to hide. Her characters immerse themselves in the affairs of modern culture, hiding themselves from those universal pains that find us all, eventually.
A must read.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Big Baby!
Mark thinks I shouldn't discuss her percentiles--that it encourages our comparative and competitive culture. Does comparing baby weight and height percentiles evolve into parents comparing test scores or other capabilities? I think not. For me to hear that my daughter is in the 95 height percentile is laughable-- I'm so short! And, if I didn't hear that percentile--I'd have no clue that she's longer than most. Also, I don't feel there's any harm in sharing that with others. Sharing your child's test scores? I think that is inappropriate.
Well, here's to Sadie! That she continues to grow up to be a healthy girl!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Small Moments
Monday, January 11, 2010
We took a lovely 2-hour walk along the Merced River on Saturday morning. Sadie enjoyed the walk strapped to dad in a Baby Bjorn. She got fussy when dad stopped; she loves any kind of movement (being in the car, her swing, when we jiggle her). I enjoyed chatting with Katie and Pat, holding Tyler's (3 yrs) hand as he chucked big rocks into the river, and watching Sophie (13 months) climb over the rocky terrain to reach the water's edge (she's a little dare devil!).
Mark and I look forward to bringing Sadie on more trips to Mariposa. The chickens and horses to marvel at, creeks to romp in, friends to play with--- what more could you want as a child?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Non Sequitor

Mark made dinner Monday night--Donna Hay's chicken, pancetta, and mushroom stew--pure delight! Below: Emergency need for sweets resulted in bananas topped with melted chocolate, pb, pecans, and cool whip. I learned from my mom that anything with melted pb and chocolate can be divine!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Books of 2009
Let me know if you've read any of these...and agree or disagree with my ranking. I found that it was a lot harder to write about the books that I liked more... I wonder why that is. Also, what do you recommend I read this year?
A No Good, Very Bad Day
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Ticket to Ride
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Pocket Diapers and Such

Friday, January 1, 2010
Helicopter Parenting
I love this video of Sadie with her new BFF Katherine. Katherine is two weeks old today; her parents are our good friends Anne and Lon. So, as any good helicopter parent (overprotective and stifling), I've decided that Kate and Sadie will be Best Friends Forever. The girls were born about 5 weeks apart and live less than a mile apart. They have proximity in age and home location working for them- as well as the obvious benefit of sharing a gender. I get excited to think that they could be classmates at Glenview Elementary together-- how fun would that be?I'll keep you posted on how their friendship develops. But I'm pretty sure it's going to be a keeper.
Cheers! Happy New Years! May it be a year full of good times with dear friends!